The OMI Pocket Guide ( is a user-friendly online resource designed to help healthcare professionals learn how to recognize subtle signs of acute coronary occlusion on the ECG which represent occlusion myocardial infarctions (OMI).
Learning to recognize OMIs is an important clinical skill because it helps identify the subpopulation of "NSTEMIs" who are likely to be found with total thrombotic occlusion at the time of cardiac catherization.
Although there are more criteria to consider when looking for OMIs compared to STEMIs, anyone can learn them, and this guide is intended to help accelerate that process!
Several ECG examples curated from Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
The specificity of each criteria with links to relevant literature
🤖 Artificial Intelligence and OMI
Artificial intelligence (AI) models (such as the Queen of Hearts) are well on their way in helping us identify OMIs on the ECG.
As we enter a new age of medicine which is increasingly interfacing with AI, healthcare professionals may wish to better understand how the "black box" is "thinking".
This guide is intended to help you efficiently train your neural network in identifying OMIs by allowing you to quickly slide through many examples of angiographically confirmed cases. Reviewing these cases side by side will help you train your eyes to hone in on the subtle findings that characterize OMIs. The more examples you learn from, the more confident you will be in your agreement or disagreement with the AI's verdict.
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