How To Insert an Excel File into Blogspot (KG- 1-20.1-2025)

   ="0" scrolling="no" src=" 

NOTE: This web page reviews the process I used to embed an Excel file into Blogspot (specifically this was for the QTc Calclator that we published on Dr. Smith's ECG Blog on 1/12/2025).
  • Please be aware that I used a Mac computer — and Safari for my browser to embed this Excel file. 
  • After doing so — this embeded Excel file worked on Mac computer — ipad — and iphone using Safari, Firefox and Safari browsers.
  • I suspect this embedding process will work on any device — although specifics for the embedding process might vary, depending on the device/browser you are using.

STEPs for Embedding an Excel File into Blogspot:
As I often do these days when initiating trial at anything new — I did a Google Search for help with "embedding an Excel File into Blogspot".
  • This VIDEO was helpful — but did not completely work for me. It did clue me into the need for uploading the Excel file that we want to embed into OneDrive (on Microsoft).
  • Uploading to my Google Drive or Dropbox didn't work for me ...
  • So — Upload the Excel file to OneDrive!

After you have uploaded your Excel file to OneDrive — You should see something similar to what I show in Figure-1:

Figure-1: This is what my computer screen looked like after I uploaded the desired Excel file to my OneDrive. After doing do — Click on FILE (within the RED rectangle).


Legends in the Figures below review the sequential steps I took:

Figure-2: After clicking on FILE — You should see a menu that looks like the lefthand panel shown here. Click on SHARE — which should take you to Figure-3.


Figure-3: After clicking on SHARE — You should see an option to EMBED. 


Figure-4: After clicking on EMBED — You should see an option to GENERATE an iframe file. This is the KEY file that you will need to insert on your Blogspot page in order to embed the Excel file. Clicking on GENERATE should take you to Figure-5.


Figure-5: You should now see parameters similar to that shown in this Figure. Within the RED rectangle is the Embed Code (which you'll note begins with the words iframe width). This is the code that you need to copy. KEY: This code is many lines long. We only see 2 lines here. So you need to "copy ALL" of this code!
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Note on the top line of this iframe code the numbers 402 and 346. These parameters are the size that the current iframe code is set for (ie, You'll see these same numbers under Dimensions (BLUE rectangle). But for my Blogspot page — this size was too small. So you can easily change the size to whatever you like. You can "play" with some different numbers (depending on your computer and browser). For Dr. Smith's Blog — I found that 500 and 550 (for Width and Height) worked great. I show how I changed this sizing in Figure-6.


Figure-6: To change the size of your embedded Excel file — just click on the numbers under Dimensions (You'll see that I change the 402 and 346 — to 500 and 550 in this Figure — and then when I clicked on the screen — this changed the sizing in the iframe embed code. The RED arrow shows that the new size is now in the iframe that you need to copy.
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Important: Within the large RED rectangle — You'll see that I checked "Let people type into cells". If you fail to check this box — then the embedded code will not allow users to type in numbers into the Excel code! As it says within the RED rectangle — "their changes will not be saved"So for the QTc Calculator that we embedded — this will change your iframe code so as to allow users to type in heart rate, QT interval — and get the QTc values — which after they "refresh" the page will disappear so that the Excel QTc Calculator can now estimate a new QTc value.


Next Series of STEPS:
Now that you have prepared your iframe embed code — We need to insert it into the Blogspot page that you want to use. This is my iframe code:


<iframe width="500" height="550" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> ="0" scrolling="no" src="

You'll note that this is a long code. It must be copied in its entirety. Do not change its formatting at all ... Then — GO TO Figure-7.


Figure-7: Your iframe embed code must be inserted from the HTML view. To get there — Click on the PENCIL in the menu (within the RED rectangle) — as shown in Figure-8.


Figure-8: I do not know HTML code. So I always write up my Blogspot drafts in the "Compose view". So after clicking on HTML view. This will give you a blank page. Copy your entire iframe code on a fresh (new) Blogspot page. It should look something like what I show below in Figure-9.


Figure-9: By now you'll recognize "iframe" as the first word — and you'll recognize the 500 and 550 width and sizes you selected.
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Important: For reasons I can't explain (I'm not a programmer) — this iframe code did not work for me unless I copied the iframe code at the very top of a new page! You can move the embedded Excel code around later — but first, to embed it Be Sure to copy your iframe code at the very top of a new page in HTML mode. After doing so — You can Save the file — and then switch back to Compose View. Once you are back in Compose View — you can continue working on text below the embedded Excel file (as shown in Figure-10).


Figure-10: This figure shows the result after the Excel file has been embedded and saved — and after you have switched back to Compose View. You can now continue writing your text for the rest of your Blogspot page. Once you publish this Blogspot page — your embedded Excel file will look like Figure-11, and it should be operative!


Figure-11: I've published this Blogspot page — and my QTc Calculator appears at the top of the page (since I entered the iframe code at the top of the page in HTML mode). You can see that I've entered in the number 70 for heart rate ...
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NOTE: If you want to lower the location of your Excel file and write some text above it — You can do this in Compose View. Place your cursor just to the LEFT of the vertical BLUE line shown in the above figure, and tap RETURN a few times to add some lines above this Excel file. And then in Compose View, you can write text as you like on those lines that you've added. You are done!
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P.S.: I am not a programmer. I had to "play" with the above steps a bit until I got them to work. Best to copy your work often (so as not to lose anything). Be familiar with the Undo Command (usually Control-z, depending on your computer).



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