="0" scrolling="no" src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?
NOTE: This web page reviews the process I used to embed an Excel file into Blogspot (specifically this was for the QTc Calclator that we published on Dr. Smith's ECG Blog on 1/12/2025).
- Please be aware that I used a Mac computer — and Safari for my browser to embed this Excel file.
- After doing so — this embeded Excel file worked on Mac computer — ipad — and iphone using Safari, Firefox and Safari browsers.
- I suspect this embedding process will work on any device — although specifics for the embedding process might vary, depending on the device/browser you are using.
STEPs for Embedding an Excel File into Blogspot:
As I often do these days when initiating trial at anything new — I did a Google Search for help with "embedding an Excel File into Blogspot".
- This VIDEO was helpful — but did not completely work for me. It did clue me into the need for uploading the Excel file that we want to embed into OneDrive (on Microsoft).
- Uploading to my Google Drive or Dropbox didn't work for me ...
- So — Upload the Excel file to OneDrive!
After you have uploaded your Excel file to OneDrive — You should see something similar to what I show in Figure-1:
Figure-1: This is what my computer screen looked like after I uploaded the desired Excel file to my OneDrive. After doing do — Click on FILE (within the RED rectangle). |
Legends in the Figures below review the sequential steps I took:
Figure-2: After clicking on FILE — You should see a menu that looks like the lefthand panel shown here. Click on SHARE — which should take you to Figure-3. |
Figure-3: After clicking on SHARE — You should see an option to EMBED. |
Next Series of STEPS:
Now that you have prepared your iframe embed code — We need to insert it into the Blogspot page that you want to use. This is my iframe code:
<iframe width="500" height="550" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?resid=1697A7711DCFBCD6%21120&authkey=%21AM8lCkp1zB18N8E&em=2&wdAllowInteractivity=False&AllowTyping=True&wdHideGridlines=True&wdHideHeaders=True&wdDownloadButton=True&wdInConfigurator=True&wdInConfigurator=True"></iframe> ="0" scrolling="no" src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?
You'll note that this is a long code. It must be copied in its entirety. Do not change its formatting at all ... Then — GO TO Figure-7.
Figure-7: Your iframe embed code must be inserted from the HTML view. To get there — Click on the PENCIL in the menu (within the RED rectangle) — as shown in Figure-8. |