By Smith with comments from our electrophysiologist, Rehan Karim. (And of course Ken's comments at the bottom)
An elderly obese woman with cardiomyopathy, Left bundle branch block, and chronic hypercapnea presented hypoxic with altered mental status.
She was intubated.
Bedside cardiac ultrasound showed moderately decreased LV function.
CT of the chest showed no pulmonary embolism but bibasilar infiltrates.
She was managed for sepsis with antibiotics including azithromycin, had hypotension with arterial and central lines placed and pressors.
She had an ECG recorded:
1. Bogossian H, Frommeyer G, Ninios I, Hasan F, Nguyen QS, Karosiene Z, Mijic D, Kloppe A, Suleiman H, Bandorski D, et al. New formula for evaluation of the QT interval in patients with left bundle branch block. Heart Rhythm [Internet]. 2014;11:2273–2277. Available from:
2. Dodd KW, Elm KD, Dodd EM, Smith SW. Among patients with left bundle branch block, T-wave peak to T-wave end time is prolonged in the presence of acute coronary occlusion. Int. J. Cardiol. [Internet]. 2017;236:1–4. Available from:
Online QT calculator for wide QRS (LBBB, RBBB, etc.)
(This was created by Arron Pearce (
Comment by our electrophysiologist, Dr. Karim:
"The importance of accurately measuring QT interval cannot be overemphasized. Dr. Smith has provided excellent overview of measuring and correcting QT interval in scenarios where QRS duration is prolonged (e.g., LBBB, ventricular pacing, etc.)."
She was admitted to the ICU.
In the middle of the night, a "code" was called, and multiple rhythms like this were recorded. There were short bursts of chest compressions, but the non-perfusing rhythm was intermittent. During the arrest, amiodarone was given.
Here is one of the strips
Subsequent ECGs.
2. Place temporary pacemaker
3. Discontinue amiodarone, since it prolongs the QT
4. Use Lidocaine instead (lidocaine prevents the PVCs which cause R on T, and does not prolong the QT.)
5. Discontinue all QT proloning medications, including azithromycin
6. Finally, do a coronary angiogram
It is a paced rhythm, for which a modified QT formula is the same as for LBBB.
The measure QT = 500 ms
The QRS duration is 160 ms
modified QT = 500 - (0.485 x 160) = 422 ms
Heart rate = 100
Correcting for heart rate:
QTc = 545 ms by Bazett correction
QTc = 492 ms by Hodges correction
QTc = 500 ms by Fridericia correction
QTc is indeed quite long!!
Coronary Angiography
No angiographic significant obstructive disease.
Decreased left ventricular systolic performance-severe.
The estimated left ventricular ejection fraction is 25%.
Regional wall motion abnormality-anterior septum and apex, akinetic.
Asynchronous interventricular septal motion, LBBB/paced rhythm.
Permanent pacer placement
Later, a biventricular pacer was placed for "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)" (This is indicated for patients with LBBB and QRS duration > 130 ms and heart failure and vastly improves heart failure). This usually done by a pacer lead placed through the coronary sinus (LV venous system). See Dr. Karim's further thoughts on this below.
In this case, it was Left Bundle Branch (LBB) area pacing. Dr. Karim explains how it is done: "We capture the left bundle (or portion of it) by placing the lead deep into the interventricular septum where a bundle or a fascicle (especially the posterior fascicle) is located. "
I asked if it requires penetration of the septum with a needle, and he responded:
"No, it's primarily a combination of anatomical location along with 12-lead EKG morphology of septal pacing, and then analyzing the intracardiac local electrograms for left bundle / fascicular signal and lead impedance. The septum is “punctured” with the active fixation screw of the lead - so essentially you bore the septum with the screw helix."
Because she has cardiomyopathy and ventricular dysrhythmias, the pacer included an Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)
Echo 6 days later after CRT:
Normal estimated left ventricular ejection fraction .
No wall motion abnormality .
The estimated left ventricular ejection fraction is 55-60%
This is somewhat miraculous to me; I don't think such an improvement is common.
ECG with biventricular left bundle CRT pacing:
Final thoughts from Dr. Karim:
Since this patient had previously known LV dysfunction / cardiomyopathy, along with LBBB, and it was strongly felt that she might have underlying ion-channelopathy (given that single dose of QT prolonging medication resulted in such a profound clinical presentation with hemodynamically unstable ventricular arrhythmia; will be planning to discuss genetic testing as outpatient), decision was made to proceed with cardiac resynchronization. In this specific case, Left Bundle Branch (LBB) area pacing was pursued to achieve cardiac resynchronization. EKG with paced complexes shown below shows much narrower QRS complex and echocardiogram showed improved LV systolic function primarily due to improvement in LV dyssynchrony. (J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019 Dec, 74 (24) 3039–3049)
Examples of bizarre ECGs that lead to torsades de pointes
Long QT Syndrome with Continuously Recurrent Polymorphic VT: Management
MY Comment, by KEN GRAUER, MD (1/2/2025):
- Assessment of the QTc is different when the QRS complex is wide — be this because of preexisting BBB (Bundle Branch Block) or cardiac pacing.
- Dr. Smith offers a quantitative correction factor that accounts for the anticipated amount that QRS widening from a conduction defect is likely to add to calculation of the QTc.
- In the interest of simplicity — I'll suggest that in the emergency setting, the most important thing I want to know is a qualitative determination of the QTc for the patient in front of me (ie, whether the QTc is normal — borderline — or increased — and if the QTc is increased, whether it is likely to be minimally or much more than that increased). Practically speaking — precise numerical (quantitative) determination of the QTc is less important for initial management in the emergency setting.
- More precise measurement of the QTc becomes important for cases in which we need to serially follow a given patient, as may be the case if our intervention includes some parameter that may further increase our patient's baseline QTc (ie, Use of a medication that may prolong the QTc — or worsening hypo-K+ or hypo-Mg++).
- As long as we are consistent with the method we employ to measure the QTc — we will know whether or not the QTc is further increasing (ie, regardless of whether the initial QTc in our patient was 480 or 520 msec — we'll be able to tell if the QTc is getting longer).
- To keep in mind that the 3 different methods cited by Dr. Smith in his discussion (ie, Bazett, Hodges and Fridericia correction formulas) — produce a ~10% variation in the predicted QTc. This tells us that universal agreement for QTc estimation is not perfect. Clinically, it is well to remember that this variation in QTc estimation is greater at faster heart rates (with faster heart rates being common in "sicker" patients, for whom we are most likely to need to assess the QTc).
- BOTTOM Line: As per Dr. Smith — the KEY point in today's case, is that whereas the QTc was no more than minimally (if at all) prolonged for the initial ECG (which showed sinus tachycardia with LBBB and those tall peaked T waves) — the QTc for the ECG done later with overdrive ventricular pacing from a temporary pacemaker had clearly become, "quite long!" (ie, between 492-to-545 msec, depending on which correction formula is chosen).
- As described above by Drs. Smith and Karim — Pacing in today's case is an effective intervention — as doing so prevents the bradycardia and pauses that are likely to precipitate additional episodes of Torsades de Pointes. (For more on Torsades de Pointes vs PMVT — See My Comment in the October 18, 2023 post and the September 2, 2024 post in Dr. Smith's ECG Blog).
- NOTE: A handy link that I favor to provide near instant correction of the measured QT according to heart rate (at least in cases with normal QRS duration) = MD CALC — which allows calculation of the QTc by any of the 5 most commonly used corrective formulas ( = Bazett — Fridericia — Framingham — Hodges — Rautaharju).
- The measured QT interval for this tracing qualitatively looks to be well over 2/3 the R-R interval in this tracing.
- Even with tachycardia and a paced QRS duration of ~0.16 second — I immediately knew there is no way this relative increase in QT duration (compared to the R-R interval) is going to be "normal".
- When the heart rate is not too rapid (this method works less well with heart rates >90-100/minute) — I favor the “Eyeball” Method to tell at a glance if the QTc is likely to be prolonged. Using this method — one may suspect that the QTc will be long IF the longest QT interval that you can clearly see on the tracing is more than half the R-R interval.
- To quickly estimate a numerical value for the QTc — I developed a Correction Factor that has been surprisingly accurate for me in assessing too-numerous-to-count QTc values that I’ve estimated during the course of my career. As per the text under the ECG in Figure-1 — you only need to remember 3 values (ie, 1.1 for a rate ~75/min — 1.2 for ~85/min — and 1.3 for ~100/minute). With a little practice using this method — you can estimate the QTc within seconds.
- Applying my method to the March 19, 2019 case that I show in Figure-1 — the rhythm in this Figure-1 ECG is regular, with an R-R interval just under 4 large boxes. Thus, the heart rate is just a bit over 75/minute (ie, 300÷4).
- I selected lead V3 in Figure-1, as one of the leads where we can clearly define the onset and offset of the QT interval. I measure the QT in this lead to be ~2.4 large boxes = 480 msec.
- Using a correction factor of 1.1 (since the heart rate ~75/minute) — I estimate the QTc = 480 + [480 X .1 = 48) = 480 + 48 ~528 msec. For speed and ease of calculation — I usually round off values (it’s all an estimate anyway! ) — but I’ve enjoyed being able to get very close to computer-calculated QTc values by this simple correction factor method.
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Figure-1: My "correction factor" for QTc estimation when the QRS is not wide (from My Comment in the March 19, 2019 post in Dr. Smith's ECG Blog). |
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