I was texted this ECG:
And another at 8 hours:
And another at 20 hours
And the last one at 41 hours:
Here was the final ECG at 72 hours:
A formal echo was done at 48 hours:
Normal left ventricular size and systolic function with an estimated EF of 66%.
No regional wall motion abnormality.
Complete resolution
One would expect a peak troponin I between 1000 - 5000 ng/L (based on our experience, I don't think we have good data on this yet), but her peak was only 160 ng/L.
Learning Point:
Takotsubo comes in 2 primary forms:
1. ST Elevation that mimics OMI of anterior, lateral, and inferior walls (usually due to a wraparound LAD) and is very difficult to distinguish from OMI without an angiogram. The ST Elevation may exactly mimic OMI. There is apical ballooning in both cases, so ultrasound will not help you!! When the ST elevation has a bizarrely long QT, then takotsubo is more likely.
2. Diffuse T-wave inversion, usually with a long QT and looking somewhat bizarre.
In both cases, you get apical ballooning
When it is T-wave inversion, you need not worry so much about activating the cath lab because, if it is due to ACS, the T-wave inversion tells you that the artery is open (This is what Wellens' syndrome is all about)
So I was not worried that this might be an unusual case of ACS: if it is ACS, the cath lab does not need activating, a huge mass of myocardium is not at risk.
Here are more cases:
There are 2 general types of ECG presentation in takotsubo:
1. ST Elevation, often diffuse and not in one coronary distribution.
With this presentation, it is often necessary to obtain emergent angiography because what you think is takotsubo is often really STEMI/OMI. Patients with occlusion of a wraparound (Type III) LAD that wraps around the apex such that it also supplies the inferior wall have diffuse ST Elevation and also have apical ballooning, such that you might think it is takotsubo.
See this case:
Diffuse ST Elevation with Apical Ballooning: is it Takotsubo Stress Cardiomyopathy?
Examples of takotsubo with ST Elevation:
Chest pain, sinus tachycardia, and ST Elevation
COPD exacerbation, what do the ECG and bedside echo show?
2. Bizarre T-wave inversions, in which case it could be ACS but does not need emergent angiogram to prove it.
See these cases of takotsubo with T-wave inversion:
Bizarre T-wave inversions, with Negative U-waves and Very long QT. And a myocardial viability study.

- Dr. Smith wrote the following in the legend of this 6/22/2020 case as his rationale for his instant impression that the diagnosis was Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: "There are diffuse T wave inversions — and a bizarre, very long QT interval. This is very typical of Takotsubo".
- The essence of Dr. Smith's assessment in today's case — is virtually the same as what he wrote for the 6/22/2020 case: "This is almost certainly Takotsubo. The widespread bizarre T-wave inversion with very prolonged QT interval is classic for Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy".
- In addition to the bizarre and markedly prolonged QTc in Figure-1 — there are Giant T Waves. As I discussed in My Comment in the June 22, 2020 post of Dr. Smith's Blog — I have found it helpful on recognizing the presence of truly deep (ie, >5-10 mm amplitude) T wave inversion — to consider the entities listed in Figure-2. Given that depth of the T waves in leads V3 and V4 of Figure-1 attain 18 and 20 mm, respectively — today's initial ECG clearly qualifies as having "Giant" T waves.
- To Emphasize — The fact that in addition to Giant T Waves, the ECGs in today's case manifest extreme QTc prolongation narrows the differential diagnosis suggested in Figure-2. That said — marked QTc prolongation may be seen with CNS catastrophes (ie, stroke, bleed, tumor, coma) — as well as with post-tachycardia syndrome. And, extreme QTc prolongation might be attained if a combination of factors was present. BOTTOM Line: The clinical History remains an essential component for interpreting ECGs such as those seen in today's case.
- The "Good News" — Quick history will rule out post-tachycardia syndrome — an awake and alert patient rules out CNS catastrophe — and bedside Echo as shown above by Dr. Smith in today's case (with non-contractile apical ballooning) allowed rapid confirmation of the diagnosis of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in today's case.
- The initial ECG in today's case (shown above in Figure-1) — illustrates the features of Pattern #2 for Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (as described below in Figure-3). Specifically — there is diffuse T wave inversion but no ST elevation, in association with marked prolongation of the QTc.
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Figure-3: ECG Findings in Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy — adapted from Namgung in Clin Med Insights Cardiol (See text). |
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