This is another contribution from Victoria Stephen. Victoria is a third year EM Registrar from at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, and a great asset to FOAMed. Follow her on Twitter: @EMcardiac.
Here is her previous contribution: Pulseless ventricular tachycardia – why did the AED not advise a shock?
A 91 year old presented to the ED of a small hospital with a history of
sudden onset syncope. A family member thought she was having a seizure.
She reported no chest pain or dyspnoea when conscious. The patient had a
history of hypertension which was poorly controlled.
She appeared alert and well-oriented. Her initial BP was 184/90, HR 41 BPM. An ECG was recorded in the ED:
She had a
CT of the Brain which showed no intracranial bleed. Her renal function was
normal and the electrolytes including calcium and magnesium were normal.
Two troponin I were increased at 140 ng/L (0.14 ng/mL) and 70 ng/L (0.070 ng/mL) on consecutive
days, (negative is less than 40 ng/L for this assay).
Two days later she was
referred to a regional hospital where she was admitted to the CCU with
the following ECG:
![]() |
Complete Heart block still present, HR 33 BPM, QTc prolonged, 503ms. T waves are now upright in leads I and AVL. |
informal bedside echo done by a cardiologist showed a normal ejection
fraction with no regional wall motion abnormalities. In view of the
positive troponins and the T wave inversions she was taken to the cath
lab for angiography, as well as for a pacemaker. No obstructive coronary
artery disease was present. She subsequently developed runs of VT while
in the lab which were too transient to determine the specific type of VT. A transvenous pacing wire was inserted for temporary pacing and the
decision was made to bring her back for a permanent pacemaker.
Here is the ECG post venous pacemaker:
And here is the ECG post permanent pacemaker, recorded 7 days after the first ECG:
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This is a single chamber pacemaker. HR 62 BPM. The T waves are upright in in the inferior leads and biphasic in the precordial leads. |
patient suffered a Stokes-Adams attack, which is a sudden loss of
consciousness due to a high grade atrioventricular block. Seizure like
activity is commonly seen in this form of syncope. Two very different
arrhythmogenic mechanisms have been shown to induce the abrupt loss of
cardiac output causing the syncope. At the onset of complete heart
block, asystole can occur for a brief period before a new pacemaker has
kicked in. Either 1) the AV node may act as the new pacemaker, leading to a
junctional or narrow escape on the ECG, or 2) infranodal tissue will take
over the pacemaker role.
The second arrhythmia
which can abruptly occur during complete heart block (CHB) is Torsade de
Pointes (TdP). TdP is an example of a triggered dysrhythmia. Triggered
dysrhythmias are heart rate dependent and are either triggered by a fast
or slow heart rate. TdP is triggered by slow heart rates. (This is why overdrive pacing to a higher rate works in terminating TdP) In some
patients, at the onset of complete heart block, there is an abrupt
decrease in heart rate as well as prolongation of the QTc. The
resulting pause plus a well-timed PVC then triggers the onset of TdP. Both asystole and TdP
following CHB are often brief, allowing the patient to
regain consciousness.
The giant inverted T waves
are not common in CHB, but are commonly seen in CHB
complicated by Stokes-Adams attacks. Their presence is not fully
understood but has been associated with TdP and stress cardiomyopathy
occurring after the onset of Complete Heart Block. Stress cardiomyopathy
is a spectrum disorder characterized by transient left ventricular
systolic dysfunction clinically, ST elevation or T wave inversions on
the ECG, and regional wall motion abnormalities on echo which are
induced by a catecholamine surge. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a specific
form of stress cardiomyopathy. This paper demonstrates takotsubo
cardiomyopathy developing in patients with complete heart block,
preceding TdP: (Open access)
cardiomyopathy has been seen frequently in a myriad of different
critical illnesses, particularly in subarachnoid haemorrhage, which
often is associated with giant inverted T waves on the ECG: (Open access)
can be elevated in stress cardiomyopathy and demonstrate a rising and
falling pattern like an acute myocardial infarction. It is very difficult to differentiate SCM from MI; it often produces a PseudoSTEMI pattern that is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to distinguish based on the ECG, though there are some guidelines. Even echo can be misleading: the takotsubo apical ballooning can also be seen in acute STEMI.
If there is ST elevation, and the differential diagnosis is acute coronary occlusion vs. SCM, an angiogram is usually required.
If there is ST elevation, and the differential diagnosis is acute coronary occlusion vs. SCM, an angiogram is usually required.
However, in this setting of Stokes Adams attack with CHB and bizarre T-wave inversion, emergent angiogram is not necessary.
Complete Heat Block accompanied by giant inverted T waves is associated with Stokes-Adams attacks.
A prolonged QTc with CHB is at risk of torsades. Treat any associated electrolyte abnormalities that may be present.
Torsade de Pointes is triggered by bradycardia, a prolonged QTc and an abrupt change in heart rate, which creates a pause.
T waves are often seen in stress cardiomyopathy syndromes. Stress
cardiomyopathy is a diagnosis of exclusion after formal echocardiography
with or without angiography.
Other references:
Mechanisms of syncope and Stokes-Adams attacks: (open access)
Giant T wave inversion: (open access)
Cardiac and non-cardiac causes of T-wave inversion in the precordial leads: (open access)
On the first ECG the PR seems constant, isn't there 2/1 AV block instead of complete heart block?
DeleteYou are absolutely right! The patient must be going back and forth between 2nd and 3rd.
Thanks for looking closely!
Great case Dr.Smith, I would just add that there is 2nd degree AV block type 2:1 on the first ECG, there is just one junctional escace beat that "breaks" the pattern.. It is best seen on the rhythm strip.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting!
Deleteyou are absolutely right.