This 45 year old male called 911 for increasing SOB and CP over 2 weeks. His BP was 220/150. The medics did a prehospital ECG, shown here. They tried to activate the cath lab, but the message did not get through.
There are several worrisome findings: Upright T-wave in V1, large T-wave with ST elevation in V1-V4. The medics activated the cath lab based on this. |
What the medics did not see is that the S-waves are cut off. You can see that they are very wide where they are cut off, and if you project them down they will be very deep S-waves. On arrival, we cancelled the cath lab activation and started a high dose nitroglycerin drip, up to 200 mcg/min.
We recorded this ED ECG:
This is similar to the above, but does not cut off the S-waves, which you can now see are very deep. |
The patient had pulmonary edema due to severe hypertension, and he ruled out for myocardial infarction.
One must read the ECG in this order: rate, rhythm, axis, interval, QRS (voltage, morphology), ST, T, U. If you do that here, you will see that the QRS voltage is extremely high. When you see ST elevation, the first thing you must do is determine if it is
secondary to an abnormal QRS. In this case, it is secondary to high voltage, or LVH.
His SOB resolved with high dose NTG, his maximal troponin I was 0.115 ng/ml (demand ischemia, type II MI).